Alpine anemone characteristics

Characteristics of alpine anemone (Alpine pulsatilla)

What are pasqueflowers?

Pasqueflowers, like alpine anemone, are perennial deciduous plants that can be found in the mountains of Asia, Europe and America. There are approximately 30 species.

Drawing of the plant Pulsatilla alpina

They are characterized by having underground rhizomes from which the leaves are born in the form of a basal rosette. Their leaves are leaflets very divided into quite fine fragments.

They bloom in spring, hence they are known as pasqueflowers.

The leaves and floral stems of these plants have a whitish gray hairiness that makes them feel velvety to the touch. In short, it is an adaptation to the mountain climate. The hairs protect them from the cold and the intense radiation of the sun’s rays.

Main species of pasqueflowers

Among all the species, the best known are the following: Pulsatilla alpina, Pulsatilla albana, Pulsatilla bulgeana, Pulsatilla halleri, Pulsatilla montana, P. pratensi, P. occidentalis, Pulsatilla patens, Pulsatilla vernalis, Pulsatilla vulgaris, etc.

Characteristics of alpine anemone

Scientific name: Pulsatilla alpina

Spanish common name: alpine anemone, alpine pasqueflower.

Family: Ranunculaceae

Habitat. Where does alpine anemone grow?

Mountain meadows, grassy areas, rocks and sheltered scree in Europe, Asia and North America. Cultivated as an ornamental plant in high and cold places.

Description of alpine anemone

Tomentose perennial plant of the Ranunculaceae family up to 35 cm high (or 45 cm when it bears fruit). Erect and woody stems, a maximum span of height that are born from an underground rhizome. Basal leaves in the form of a rosette, with red petioles, pinnate, with narrow, pubescent leaflets reminiscent of carrot leaves. Leaf-like bracts, located below the flowers.

Isolated flowers of 4 to 8 cm in diameter, white and, on rare occasions, red (Pulsatilla alpina ssp alpina) or yellow (Pulsatilla alpina ssp apiifolia). The first one grows on calcareous soils and the other species, on siliceous soils.

It does not have petals and the colored parts are the sepals. It have numerous yellow stamens

It grows in grassy places in European alpine meadows between 1,200 and 2,700 meters. (Pyrenees, Alps, Carpathians, Caucasus, Balkans…) It bears a remarkable resemblance to Pulsatilla occidentalis that grows in the Rocky Mountains. It blooms from March to May.

Components of alpine anemone

Pulsatilla alpina
Detail of an alpine anemone flower
  • Alkaloids (Anemonina, anemonol)
  • Glycosides: Ranunculin. This is transformed into protoanemonin and, subsequently, into anemonin. Protoanemonin attacks the digestive system, causing great irritation.
  • Saponins (Roots)
  • Acids: Succinic, chelonic

Active parts: The whole plant. Especially the roots and leaves. When it dries, it loses its active ingredients, so the dried plant is used.

Uses of alpine anemone

Alpine anemone is a herbaceous plant of the Ranunculaceae family that is used as:

  • Ornamental plant: This species is cultivated as a garden plant.
  • As a medicinal plant

punto rojo More information on alpine anemone

This article was endorsed by Julián Masats - Technical agricultural engineer specialized in horticulture and gardening.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

17 February, 2022

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