Herbal treatment for dry hair
Phytotherapy: Preparations with plants for dry hair
The main function of herbal medicine in the treatment of the dry hair will consist of using those plants which purpose will lead to the use of the following types of plants:
- Plants that help to overcome emotional problems, tranquilizing the individual so that emotional states could not not responsible for your bad hair.
- Plants that provide those necessary vitamins or minerals for the good state of your hair.
- Plants that avoid the excessive peeling or that add the necessary nutrients to provide the suitable softness and flexibility to your hair
Infusions for hair health
- Horsetail: (Equisetum ssp.) Because of its silica content it turns out suitable to maintain the hair in good state.(Infusion of a teaspoon of dry plant by water cup. Take a cup per day.)
Horsetail infusions can solve dry hair
- Tea (Camellia sinensis) Like horsetail, because of its silica content, it is suitable to maintain the hair in good state.(Infusion of a teaspoon of dry plant by water cup. Take a cup per day)
- Dandelion and milk thistle: (Taraxacum officinale, Silybum marianum) Because of their iron wealth, the leaves of dandelion and milk thistle help to maintain your hair in good health. (Eat fresh leaves in salad) Dandelion leaves and the tender leaves of milk thistle are, among others, highly recommended edible wild plants which are not habitually used.
Rubbing your hair with natural products
- Sweet bay: (Laurus nobilis) Apparently it exerts a regenerative effect on the scalp, and has the ability to fight dandruff, seborrhea and other disorders related to hair loss. For this reason, it may also help prevent or delay baldness. (Rub the scalp with the essential oil, in the morning and before bedtime) (Decoction of a handful of bay leaves per liter of water. After washing the head, rub with the warm liquid resulting from decoction. Let it on the head for about an hour wet and rinse)
Sweet bay leaves decoctions are good to treat dry hair
- Burdock: (Arctium lapa) Rub the scalp with the oil of this plant. The use of this plant normally calms itching associated with dry hair and dandruff.
- Acai (Euterpe oleracea): Acai and, especially, acai oil, are widely used in South America for the treatment of dry hair(Apply acai oil to the hair and perform friction on the scalp.)
- Chamomile: (Matricaria chamomilla) Rubbing on the scalp helps prevent peeling, fights bacteria and eliminates the itching that usually accompanies dry and scurfy hair. (Make a decoction of a handful of flowers in one liter of water. Rub the scalp gently after washing with a suitable shampoo)
- Maize / Corn (Zea mays) Corn oil moisturizes and protects hair from dryness. Very useful after contact with sand, the beach sun or dry air. (Hydrate your hair with a little oil)
- Olive tree (Olea europaea) Olive oil can be used to give shine and strength to brittle and dry hair. (Make a weekly rubbing using this oil.)
- Nettle: (Urtica dioica) Its regenerative effect of the scalp has been proven, as well as its ability to combat dandruff, seborrhea and other disorders related to hair loss. For this reason, although it is not a miracle elixir for baldness, it can help prevent or delay it. (100 gr maceration of nettle and dried rosemary in 1 liter of anise for 15 days. Rub on the scalp in the morning and before bedtime)
Shampoo for dry hair Using a base of baby shampoo without detergent (Neutral shampoo) we can make a special shampoo for dry hair with avocado oil (American persea). Take a tablespoon of neutral shampoo and add one egg yolk with half teaspoon of avocado oil. Mix well and wash your hair. See other natural shampoos for all hair types |
Supplements for dry hair
- Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba): Hair loss occurs many times due to lack of blood flow to the scalp, which prevents hair nutrition. With ginkgo we can increase the blood flow in the hair follicle and stop or delay hair loss. (120 mg of Ginkgo extract daily, divided into three doses).
A diet rich in biotin, selenium and zinc can keep your hair in good health
- Rich plants in biotin are soybean, oats, the barley, or maize
- Plants with high content in selenium are the following: onions, garlic, cabbages, cucumbers, pumpkins or apples.
- Foods rich in zinc are: celery, asparagus, borages, figs, potatoes, eggplants, etc.
More information on hair health.