A dish rich in omega 3

Properties of endives salad




Endive salad with cheese and sunflower seeds

Endive salad with carrot, cheese, avocado and toasted sunflower seeds. Seasoned with olive oil

  • Wash the endives and cut the bottom of the heart with a knife.
  • Unwrap the whorl leaf by leaf.
  • Place endive leaves in a large serving platter, arranged up and all in parallel. After load the smallest leaves over the biggest ones in reverse position, so that the two leaves form a ” boat “
  • Cut the carrot into small pieces or strips.
  • Cut the avocado and cheese into cubes.
  • Place the ingredients inside the kind of “boat” that form the endives.
  • Season with sunflower seeds
  • Dress with olive oil and salt

Properties of endives with cheese

It brings lots of fiber and low calories. Ideal in diets for cholesterol and heart diets.

Low in fat, adequate in case of obesity, diabetes or to accompany very greasy meals.

It contains protein and calcium from the cheese.

Carrots are rich in beta carotene.

Sunflower seeds contain a lot of vitamin E and riboflavin, which enhances the antioxidant effect of vitamin E.

With healthy omega fats, from the avocado.

Suitable for vegetarians

punto rojo More information on recipes and nutrition.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

26 January, 2023

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