What is a lemon tree?
Characteristics of lemon tree ( Citrus X limon)
Common noun: Lemon tree
Scientific noun: Citrus X limon (L.) Burm., Citrus limonum Risso.
Family: Citrus family- Rutaceae
Habitat: Cultivated because of its fruits and as a garden tree in warm Mediterranean places next to the sea. It probably descends from the species ” Citrus medica L. “, native from India.
Characteristics of lemon tree
Perennial tree of the Citrus family – rutaceae- up to 3 m.
Toothed, elliptical or lanceolate leaves, pointed.
Flowers white inside, rosy at the margin of the petals.
The fruit is a hesperidium till 12,5 cm. wide, with a thick rind, dark yellow when fully ripe.
Composition: Active components of lemon tree
The main components are:
- Flavonoids: hesperidoside, limocitrin in the pericarp of the Spanish lemons.
- Acids: Ascorbic (vitamin C), citric; caffeic (fruit)
- Essential oil: rich in isopulegol, alpha-bergamotene, alpha- pinene, alpha- terpinene, alpha- thujene, beta- bisolobene, beta- bergamotene, beta- phelandrene, citral, limonene and sabinene, (in the fruit, specially in lemons from California)
- Caffeine (leaves, flowers)
- Pectin
- Minerals: potassium and calcium.
*See: Lemon nutritional composition
More information on lemon