Can selenium be toxic?
It is unclear whether selenium can be toxic when taken in larger amounts than recommended. In general, it is believed that inorganic selenium or selenium methionate is more toxic than organic selenium. However, the latter type of selenium has been given the power to cause mutations in genes that alter the organic sulfur.
Photo of foods high in selenium: nuts, legumes and whole grains.
Many scientists believe that selenium toxicity occurs when the food or water that is ingested on a regular basis contain high levels of this component. Analyses in people living in these places have shown that selenium levels in their body are up to four times higher than what will be normal.
The truth is that, according to various studies, the results are not clear on the toxicity of selenium. Some studies suggest that selenium and can be toxic at doses as low as 1 mg, others consider that you should take twice this amount of selenium so that it could be toxic, provided that your body already contains levels of 2.5 mg.
The most widespread review provides optimal safe dose for extended use between 100 and 400 mcg daily, although the amounts have not been proven safe. It is known that:
– A dose of 900 mcg is toxic
There are doubts about other quantities, such as:
– You can use a 600mcg daily dose for a few days for the treatment of infections. You should not prolong it.
– Extended daily doses of 400 mcg are used to prevent cancer, although it is unclear whether this dose is safe.
– There are many doubts about whether prolonged doses greater than 250 mcg are safe.
Symptoms of selenium toxicity
A very high selenium intake affects the liver and kidneys and can cause even fatal results.
The continued ingestion of food or water with very high levels of selenium can cause toxicity by accumulation. The main symptoms of selenium toxicity accumulation include the following:
– Vomiting
– Vertigo
– Dizziness
– Baldness
– Nail problems
– Nerve problems
– Malaise
– Toothdecay
– Bad breath that smells like garlic.
– Eczema or other skin problems
More information on selenium.
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