Calcium in almond milk

Does almond milk have a lot of calcium?

If almonds have calcium, does almond drink also?

Does vegetable almond milk have a lot of calcium? Many people believe that almond drink contains a lot of calcium because it is made from almonds, but it is not. Although it comes from almonds, which are rich in calcium, almond drink is not rich in calcium, unless it is enriched.

If what you want is a diet rich in calcium or a healthy diet for the bones, you should eat whole almonds, which do provide a lot of calcium, in addition to protein, essential fatty acids, fiber, magnesium and folic acid.

Homemade almond milk is not rich in calcium

Homemade almond milk, made with soaked, ground and strained almonds is not rich in calcium, because when straining the almond, most of the calcium is lost and the resulting liquid (the almond drink) is poor in this mineral.

On the label below you can see how unenriched almond milk contains only 14 mg. of calcium per 100 grams, a negligible amount.

almond milk label

Label showing the composition of almond milk. The unenriched almond drink contains only 14 mg. of calcium per 100 grams, a negligible amount. It also provides a lot of sugar, which is the main ingredient after water.

Types of almond drink and their composition

In supermarkets you can find different types of almond drinks:

Almond cream to prepare

The almond cream is on the supermarket shelves, near the milk.

almond milk label
Jars of almond cream in a Spanish supermarket. Almond cream contains a lot of sugar (80%) and is low in calcium

It is a very sweet paste made with sugar or honey and almond paste. It is a very sweet paste made with sugar or honey and almond paste.

This preparation is very low in calcium, because it contains mainly sugar (up to 80% of the product) and very little almond paste (approximately 20% of the product).

There is the same product for diabetics with fructose (45%), which is very not recommended because it also increases blood sugar and fructose also increases uric acid and triglycerides.

For all this, it can be said that almond cream is not a dietary advisable product and its consumption should be avoided.

Almond drink

Almond drink can be found in tetra brick and is used like milk. Its ingredients include water and mainly ground almonds. Sometimes it contains added sugar or syrups.

Although almonds are rich in calcium, the drink is poor in this mineral since the calcium remains in the almond and does not dissolve in the water. Only enriched vegetable drinks contain calcium. Calcium is added in the form of calcium carbonate or sometimes in the form of algae (Lithothamnium calcareum).

What almond milk contains calcium?

The enriched almond drink is the only one really rich in calcium, with a content similar to the calcium provided by milk. 100 grams contains 120 mg. calcium or more. (It depends on the brand).

You can also find vegetable drinks enriched with vitamin D to increase the nutritional value of this drink and make it more similar to the composition of milk.

  • The only calcium-rich almond drink is the one enriched, because this mineral does not dissolve in water. The homemade almond drink contains practically no calcium.

punto rojo More information on vegetable drinks

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

13 September, 2021

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