Rice drink properties

Nutritional properties of rice milk

What is rice drink or rice milk?

Rice drink or rice milk is a drink of vegetable origin, made from rice grains (Oryza sativa).

It is obtained from whole grains of rice, cleaned, ground, crushed and cooked.

Some market drinks include sucrose or syrups among their ingredients, and may or may not be enriched in calcium, vitamin D and vitamin B12 (nutrients deficient in vegetable drinks and in strict vegan diets).

Rice drink is the lightest vegetable drink on the market. This is very poor in fats, proteins and rich in sugars, so it is mainly taken as a restorative.

It has a very sweet and neutral flavor, and it is quite watery. Some commercial houses include among their ingredients hemp oil or corn maltodextrins, to give better palativity.

It should not be confused with rice water, which is a medicinal cooking used for its antidiarrheal properties.


Rice drink, a very digestive vegetable drink

Rice drink is the most digestive drink that exists, which can be taken in the diet until the body does not tolerate any food.

It is very easy to digest due to its low protein content, and provides sugars of excellent quality, so that the body can have energy of easy assimilation.

The rice drink does not weigh in the stomach and is easy to drink for unappetizing people.

It is recommended in the postoperative diet, digestive disorders, gastritis, stomach acidity, gastroenteritis, vomiting and during pregnancy.

Rice drinkl

Organic rice drink

Rice drink to reduce cholesterol

Rice milk is an alternative to other vegetable drinks to help regulate cholesterol, cardiovascular diseases and treat obesity. It is low in sodium, contains no cholesterol and no fat, so rice drinks enriched in calcium are suitable for people with cardiovascular disease.

Is rice drink suitable for thinning?

Rice milk is the lightest of all the vegetable drinks on the market. Because of its low caloric and sodium content, it is suitable for any weight loss diet.

Rice drink for digestive diseases

Enriched rice milk is the most healthy and practical way to make the contribution of calcium for people suffering from digestive diseases.

Suitable for people with Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel or inflammatory bowel disease.

Which rice drink is the best?

Better to choose enriched rice milk : replacing cow’s milk with rice drink in the diet is an important change. It should be noted that this vegetable drink is very poor in nutrients such as calcium, vitamin D, which are essential for our bone health.

In the market there are many enriched vegetable drinks. For those who are against artificial supplements, there are also rice drinks enriched with natural calcium from seaweed.

It is strongly recommended to choose rice drinks that are enriched in calcium.

Other sources of calcium that are important in the diet besides dairy products are nuts, legumes, some vegetables and the overall balance of the diet is very important.

Rice drink is suitable for people allergic to milk, soy and for lactose intolerant persons

It does not contain lactose or milk, being a healthy food for people with lactose intolerance and for milk allergy. Most drinks of this type do not contain soy, so it is also a good substitute for allergic to soy.

Rice drink is popular as a substitute for soy milk, especially for those who are allergic to legumes.It is also taken as an environmental protest against the exploitation of transgenic soybean crops, which has led some soybean beverage manufacturers to include “nontransgenic soy” in their packaging.

punto rojoMore information on rice.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

22 July, 2024

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