What are the best sources of taurine in the diet?
What is taurine and what sources are there?
Taurine is an amino acid with sulfur present in foods of animal origin, being one of the few amino acids that do not appear incorporated or forming part of proteins, but free.
It is believed that the role of this substance in the body is similar to that of a neurotransmitter, for this reason it is explained that it appears in large quantities in the nervous system, the retina, in muscle tissue, and in many other organs.
How do we get taurine?

Taurine is the most abundant amino acid in our eyes, brain and muscles. We have taurine because breast milk is the richest food in taurine, and because the body is able to make this substance from the proteins of food. Eating foods with proteins, both animal and vegetable, ensures good levels of taurine.
Foods rich in taurine
Foods of animal origin are the body’s main exogenous source of taurine. It is confirmed that the ingestion of this component through the diet helps to maintain the levels of taurine in the body and is essential in stages of growth.
Animal foods with lot of taurine
The foods of animal origin rich in taurine are:
- Breast milk, which is the richest source of this amino acid, more than cow’s milk.
- The viscera or giblets, such as the liver, kidneys, and especially the brain
- Meat (poultry, veal, lamb, etc.)
- Fish
- Shellfish
- Milk and dairy products
- Eggs
How much taurine do energy drinks have?
A list of the Austrian National Food Authority (1996) reports that energy drinks contain between 300 and 4,000 mg / L of taurine, which is equivalent to the ingestion of 2,000 mg of taurine per day in case of taking a pint of these beverages .
Plant-based foods rich in taurine
Generally, taurine is not found in products of plant origin. Some consulted tables show that in some vegetables poor amounts have been found of this amino acid, although it is generally established that this component is not found in plant sources. Those that contain it most are:
Can a lack or deficiency of taurine occur?
The deficiency of taurine is very rare and no documented cases of it have been found, except in studies with animal experimentation. There are no deficiencies of taurine because the body is able to manufacture this substance from the proteins of food. A habitual consumption of foods rich in proteins ensures good levels of taurine.
Vegetarianism and taurine deficiency
Taurine is one of the nine nutrients that can not be obtained from plant foods, like vitamin B12, creatine, carnosine, vitamin D3, heme iron, DHA and EPA.
Vegetarian people who do not take enough protein are more likely to have taurine deficiencies, but they have no risk if they make an adequate supply of quality protein. On the other hand, it is recommended that these people take vitamin B12 supplements.
More information on taurine