- Contact dermatitis: nutmeg can cause dermatitis, skin irritation or blisters by direct contact with the dermis.
- Headache: the essential oil of nutmeg is included in a group of drugs and narcotics. Use of it may result in neuronal, such as headache or migraine, confusion or dizziness symptoms.
Nutmeg poisoning symptoms
Photo of nutmeg
- Sometimes, the ingestion of a large amount of nutmeg has produced negative psychological reactions, characterized by disorders of thinking, compulsive obsession, mental agitation or persecution.
- Nutmeg poisoning can occur even at very low doses: from 5g. daily can cause perception problems or adverse reactions.
- High doses of this fruit carry a first symptoms of poisoning such as nausea, intense thirst, pain in the head, tiredness or difficulty in moving and delirium.Subsequently, they can produce more severe reactions such as seizures, excessive sweating, dehydration, increased body temperature, panic reactions, breathing difficulties and shock. At very high doses can cause death.
** The medicinal use of preparations with nutmeg is discouraged, still better use safer medicinal plants. **
** All these adverse reactions determine that the plant should not be used as a recreational drug **
Nutmeg has significant drawbacks. Consult nutmeg contraindications.
The use of preparations of nutmeg is contraindicated in pregnant or nursing women: The plant stimulates the movements of the uterus which can cause abortions due to bisabolene and oleanolic acid. Myristicin, rich in the essential oil, has oxitoxic effect, that is to say, it is able to accelerate childbirth.
* More information: Plants and pregnancy.
More information on nutmeg.