Avocado for obesity

How to slim with avocado

Avocado, a caloric food

Avocado is a food vegetable rich in fat. In fact it contains 15.2% fat, that provide avocado with abundant calories. Avocado gives us 161 calories per 100 g weight.

So, despite the recognized properties of avocado, many people have questions when eating avocado because they think they are going to become fat.

Are avocados fattening?

All foods are fattening depending on the specific amount of food we eat. For example, watermelon is a fruit light enough (just over 30 calories per 100g).

However, if we eat a kilo of watermelon a day we will have consumed more than 300 calories. A kilo of watermelon looks much amount, but this amount may be desirable on a cool summer day.

Regarding avocado, the mistake of many people is that they see a fruit. In fact, although it is the fruit of the avocado tree, from a food point of view, it should not be considered a fruit but a vegetable fat.


Some people do not want eat avocados because they think they will fatten

It makes no sense to eat a whole avocado as dessert, because we are eating more than 300 calories only with this fruit. However, adding some diced avocado to a salad or rubbing a toast with a little guacamole will not involve a too high injection of calories.

Avocado fattens like other foods. It all depends on the amount ingested.

Avocado advantage over other fats

Avocado fats are better than fats of animal nature. It is a much healthier fat. Unlike animal fats, they do not have cholesterol and they even help eliminate or counteract the cholesterol from other foods if they contain.

100 g of lean beef provides 192 calories, 30 calories more than 100 g of avocado. Many people who want to carry out a diet to lose weight eat this amount without considering whether beef may fatten them.

There is no need to resort to food of animal origin. Within plant foods, we have many other foods with a much higher calorific power than avocado: cereals, legumes and especially nuts. They have more calories than avocado.

Eating avocado in a rational way is a good healthy way to provide energy to the body. In addition to natural fats, avocado will provide other important nutrients: fiber, potassium and iron, as well as abundant vitamin E, folic acid and niacin.

Avocado contains ideal sugars for obesity

Avocado contains a type of sugar called manoheptulose. Manoheptulose helps reduce blood sugar levels so it is ideal for people with diabetes. Furthermore, it has been found that this type of sugar is capable of lowering the blood insulin.

Since obese people tend to have high levels of insulin, eating avocado helps them even to decrease insulin and have less hunger. So even avocado helps you lose weight.

Is avocado good for obesity?

It is not very convenient abusing avocado by the large amount of calories it has, especially in the case of obese people or subjected to diets (although in reality, when replacing the animal fat and in moderation, it helps you lose weight).

It is never advisable to combine it with other greasy foods, especially if they are of animal origin.

It must not be mixed with greasy sauces, such as mayonnaise.

More information on avocado.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

28 May, 2021

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