Benefits of Aloe vera
Aloe vera production: Aloe produces aloes
What is Aloes?
Aloes or Bitter aloes is a liquid obtained by means of exudation from cuts performed on the leaves of some Aloe plants. It is extracted for the elaboration of medicinal products. Aloes is obtained from the sap of the aloe leaf.
The extraction is very old and it goes back to the time of the Arab Empire.
How is Aloes produced?

It is carried out by doing incisions on the leaves and picking up the liquid that oozes from them.
This condenses by means of heat and, later, solidified.
What is Aloes for?
It is good to carry out preparations that are presented fundamentally in form of extracts, dry powder, tincture, capsules or tablets.
In the same way it enters in the composition of many cosmetic products. The juice is not usually taken in directly from the plant, since by internal use, when doses are not respected, it can be mortal and, in pure external use, it can damage the skin.
Picking up and storing Aloe vera
Aloe vera leaves can be picked up every 6 months. Only 2 or 3 leaves should be taken from the same plant.
Internal use preparations of aloe vera
- Digestive and cholagogue: In cases of inflammation of the stomach, hiatal hernia, gastritis and gastric ulcers aloe acibar has a gastric potent value to recover the gastric mucous, as well as cholagogue – drainage of the bile. (Tablets or drops, distributed along the day, without surpassing the dose of 0.5 gr. per day)
- Laxative and purgative: By increasing the previous doses in each one of the takings – One should remember that the daily total intake should not surpass the 0,5 gr. day – Aloe is laxative and, in superior doses, purgative.
This property is due to the influence of the aloine that increases the peristaltic movements of the intestine. (As a laxative remedy, take 0,03 gr. of dry extract and wait the reaction that takes place after 6 at 8 hours. To obtain a purgative effect the dose should be of 0,1 gr.)
- Diverticulitis: It helps to heal wounds. (Take a daily cup of aloe juice prepared for this purpose, divided into two intakes a day – with no aloeemodine or elodine. It is sold in pharmacies and health food stores)
Main curative properties of Aloe vera
External use preparations of Aloe vera
- Vulnerary: Aloe possesses antiseptic, germicide, antiinflammatory, moisturising and regenerative properties. Applied on the skin, it turns out to be one of the best remedies against the cure of wounds, ulcers, hematomas, cuts, scratches, chafing, burns, sunburns, frostbites, punctures, seborrheic dermatitis, styes, stings of insects, such as lice, etc.
It enters in the composition of many creams for the care of the skin, having being demonstrated its curative power in herpes, psoriasis and juvenile acne. In the same way the power of aloe juice has been demonstrated in the cure of the burns caused by radiations.It is also used as solar protector to regenerate the burns because of undue exposure to sunlight.
(You can use directly on the skin, once removed the epidermis, in form of plasters. The possibility also exists of mashing it, transforming it into paste, once the fibber removed) (Other possibility consists on using the gelatine which is obtained by cutting a leaf with a sharpened knife and by pressing the surface of the leaf with the blunt edge. The resulting liquid can be applied on the skin)
How to obtain aloe vera gel at home
- Tooth paste: The juice of the plant possesses a tonic and astringent value, being very useful in cases of gingivitis, mouth sores or other affections of the mouth (Rinsing with the juice of the plant diluted to 50% in water)
- Sore throat, tonsillitis: Equally we can carry out gargles with the previous preparation to combat sore throat, gingivitis, etc
More information on aloe vera.