Has guarana any side effects?
Guarana is a harmless substance for most healthy adults when consumed in moderate amounts. However, some people may experience side effects when consuming guarana products.
What are guarana components causing side effects?
Side effects may be due to the high content of caffeine (= guaranine), the main active component of the seed.
Due to its stimulant properties and its possible interaction with drugs, guarana has a number of contraindications to be considered (see the listing below).
How much guarana causes side effects?
Experts recommend not to exceed 300mg of caffeine daily.
However, it should be noted that:
- Each person may have varying degrees of tolerance to caffeine, so that a single dose can cause different effects in different people.
- The caffeine in guarana is absorbed more slowly than the caffeine in coffee, because of its conjugation with tannins. Thus, for a person intolerant to coffee, guarana may be a suitable supplement to combat fatigue, stimulate mental alertness or improve memory.
- The whole caffeine intake. Caffeine is a substance used by 80% of the U.S. adult population, and in all developed countries the percentage of use among adults is high. This substance is found in many food products and beverages, so, it is important to assess all sources before beginning a dietary supplementation with guarana. Through various sources we could be ingesting more caffeine than recommended. (More information: Caffeine in foods)
What are the main symptoms of guarana overdose?
Guarana overdose can cause symptoms of overdose like caffeine:
- Insomnia or difficulty sleeping.
- Nervousness, feeling upset stomach, restlessness, heartburn.
- Palpitations, tremors.
- Vomiting.
- More frequent urination.
More information on guarana.