Medicinal plants to treat reproductive system diseases
Medicinal herbs for the reproductive system
Among the plants suitable to treat problems of the reproductive system we have the following:
– Antimicrobial plants to eliminate microorganisms, both bacteria and fungi, causing infections in the reproductive system.
These infections are also causing unpleasant odors.
– Analgesic plants to reduce the pain caused by certain abnormalities in the reproductive system.
– Aphrodisiac plants to stimulate sexual desire in sexually inept people.
– Anaphrodisiac plants to decrease the libido in people with too much sexual appetite
– Antioxidant plants to reduce the wear that occurs in the joints and that is one of the main reasons to feel pain.
– Lubricating plants, which favor intercourse
– Diuretic plants to remove excess fluids from joints or inflamed areas.
– Plants that restore hormonal balance, causing menstrual problems, negative symptoms of menopause, etc.
For more detailed information, click on each of these types of disorder. |
Suitable plants for the male and female reproductive system
Hormones play an important role in the reproductive system. Hormonal imbalances in this apparatus are responsible for irregular menstruation, lack of menstruation or pregnancy problems.
Among plants with hormonal properties we have evening primrose or ginseng
Photo of ginseng
To combat the vaginal discharge antibiotic plants like marigold or pennyroyal can be used. Witch hazel is good for itching of the vagina.
There are some plants that promote pregnancy, such as raspberry. Others, however, are very dangerous, such as rue which is an abortive plant.
Photo of rue
Natural vegetable lubricants for the reproductive system
To reduce vaginal dryness may be used lubricating remedies such as olive oil or medicinal plants such as fenugreek able to increase vaginal lubrication with its estrogenic properties.
Photo of olive oil
Aphrodisiacs to increase libido
Among the most important aphrodisiacs we have maca, which, moreover, can be used in cases of male or female infertility.
Against impotence you can use evening primrose or a tranquilizer, such as herb Louisa, in case of premature ejaculation.
More information on plants.