- 1 Edible properties of raspberries
- 2.1 Raspberries are rich in vitamin C
- 2.2 Raspberries for heart health
- 2.3 Raspberries are highly recommended food for pregnant women
- 2.4 Raspberries, an ideal food for the eyes and to prevent new infections
- 2.5 Raspberries to prevent cancer
- 2.6 Raspberries help your fingernails, hair and skin to be in good condition.
- 2.7 Raspberries are rich in potassium and magnesium
- 2.8 Raspberries are rich in fibers and sugars
- 2.9 Nutritional composition of raspberries
- 2.10 Raspberries are very good for dieting
- 2.11 How to eat raspberries?
Edible properties of raspberries
Raspberries are rich in vitamin C
Photo of cultivated raspberries |
Raspberries are very rich in vitamin C. A cup of raspberries provides 88% of the daily needs of this vitamin. We have to emphasize the antioxidant function of vitamin C, able to neutralize the negative influence of free radicals. Eating raspberries will help detoxify the body and prevent many degenerative diseases that can be caused by the accumulation of these toxins in the body.
A cure of raspberries as summer arrives, which consists of eating a dish of raspberries as the only meal a day, may help not only to reduce weight, but will help improve health.
We must not forget, for example, the importance this vitamin has on the prevention of numerous eye diseases, especially those of degenerative nature, such as vision loss, cataracts or glaucoma.
Raspberries for heart health
Raspberries role is fundamental in reducing hypertension and in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, promoting capillary resistance. It prevents and improves the symptoms of allergies or cicatrization of wounds. By increasing our iron absorptive capacity, it aids to improve the symptoms of anemia.
Vitamin C, combined with rutin, improves circulation because of their vasodilatory properties that strengthen capillaries. This prevents problems of excessive bleeding, such as nosebleed, excessive menstruations or even strokes. In this function the anthocyanins are involved; these components give the characteristic dark red color to these fruits and making them look darker when they are cut from the tree and stored. During the ripening process, they even increase the content of this component which gives them a bluish tint. Anthocyanins protect the capillaries of the eyes and help maintain the health of the heart.
It will be extremely interesting that smokers, athletes, people under heavy stress as well as people with chronic diseases of inflammatory nature, such as arthritis, eat this fruit. It has been verified that vitamin C helps to improve the condition of these people and makes them feel better.
Raspberries are highly recommended food for pregnant women
Raspberries are high in folic acid or vitamin B9. A cup of raspberries contains 40% of the daily needs of this component. At cellular level, folic acid is necessary for the cellular formation of proteins and other processes. Thus, so that the cells can be duplicated of correctly formed, we needed the presence of this vitamin. The foods that contain this vitamin help to avoid problems of bad formation or incorrect growth in the baby. Because folic acid is destroyed by cooking food, the ingestion of these raw fruits, allow us to fully incorporate all their properties.
There is a popular belief that regular ingestion of raspberry juice during pregnancy helps reduce the pain of childbirth. Perhaps in this popular belief hides the truth that their richness in potassium and magnesium contributes to the health of the muscles, which provides greater pelvic strength that contributes to greater ease and speed in fetus delivery.
Raspberry leaf tea helps to relax the uterus and prevent nausea during pregnancy, although high or continuous doses of this preparation may be counterproductive. (More information on the Medicinal properties of raspberry in the listing below)
Raspberries, an ideal food for the eyes and to prevent new infections
Raspberries render much vitamin A as carotene (alpha-carotene and beta-carotene) which is transformed by the body into this vitamin. Given the amount of vitamin A, raspberries are ideal to keep your eyes in good condition. The regular ingestion of this fruit will help increase visual acuity and prevent eye diseases, such as vision loss that normally takes place in older people, night blindness, cataracts or glaucoma. It also helps the eyes to overcome bacterial infections, such as conjunctivitis.
Vision protection is also performed because of lutein, a pigment that is capable of filtering the sun’s ultraviolet rays, thus preventing the damage these rays can originate in the retina. There is evidence that this component may help prevent cataracts. Remember that anthocyanins also protect the capillaries of the retina.
In addition, Vitamin A helps increase the defenses making raspberries very suitable to prevent the occurrence of many diseases, especially those of the respiratory tract: sore throat, influenza, cold, pharyngitis, sinusitis, or bronchitis.
Raspberries to prevent cancer
We must not forget the antioxidant role of vitamin A which, together with vitamin C and vitamin E, help prevent the onset of many degenerative diseases, including cancer; this fruit is considered one of the best antidotes to the prevention of this disease. In addition to these three vitamins other components also contribute to this property such as caffeic acid, butyric and gallic acid, tannins, isoquercitrin and rutin.
But perhaps it is their wealth in ellagic acid what most recently been evaluated as a potent anticarcinogenic and antimutagenic compound. Many experiments have demonstrated the ability of ellagic acid to bind to the particles that cause the cancer to inactivate them.
Moreover, in human cells cultures, it has been found that ellagic acid can neutralize the mutations that occur in the DNA when subjected to carcinogenic compounds. These changes in DNA could be responsible for some types of cancer. For example, this component is believed to inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the lungs, which can be a good remedy for those who regularly smoke. It also appears to neutralize cancer-causing toxins from environmental pollution, food additives or barbecued meat.
Main raspberries properties Produced by © Botanical-online
Raspberries help your fingernails, hair and skin to be in good condition.
Raspberries are rich in vitamin B7 or biotin. This vitamin, besides being very important in metabolizing proteins, fats and carbohydrates, helps to take profit of folic acid correctly. Folic acid is involved in the health of skin, nails and hair. Eating raspberries in abundance will make our hair become more healthy and shiny and grow more vigorously. Our nails will be enhanced. Our skin will stay smoother and its appearance will improve.
There is evidence that a deficiency of this vitamin is responsible for many cases of anomalies such as dry skin or hair loss. We have to insist on the convenience of a cure of raspberries in summer or in autumn to renew and invigorate the external and internal appearance of our body.
Raspberries are rich in potassium and magnesium
In addition to its wealth in vitamins, raspberries contain high amounts of potassium and magnesium. We know that potassium has a great importance in the hydric balance of our body. This mineral helps to counteract sodium and can regulate blood pressure. Potassium helps promote urination or discharge of urine, which helps prevent liquid retention. It is helpful in weight loss diets or those that are improved with urination (kidney disease, obesity, rheumatism,) In this sense, raspberry juice has always been considered as a good help in the treatment of cystitis and kidney stones. Nevertheless, it is counter-productive in case of renal insufficiency.
In addition, potassium is involved in contraction and relaxation of muscles and heart rhythm. Adequate levels of this mineral can have the muscles relaxed and keep a good heart rate. The deficiency of this mineral could be responsible for physical abnormalities such as hypertension, tachycardias, leg cramps or muscle weakness.
People who require an additional intake of this mineral are those subjected to strict dieting with high intake of diuretics, people that suffer vomits, persistent diarrhea or those who sweat a lot. All of them should eat this food often.
Magnesium is involved along with potassium in the good condition of the nerves and muscles and the smooth functioning of the heart rate. It participates in the formation of cellular DNA and is necessary for healthy bones and healthy and strong teeth. In many cases physical fatigue or cardiac arrhythmias are caused by a deficiency in this mineral.
Raspberries are rich in fibers and sugars
Raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries are the most common fruits in northern Europe for preparing jams |
Raspberries contain a very high amount of pectin, a type of soluble fiber. It constitutes 1% of their composition. This type of fiber makes them ideal to promote intestinal transit by increasing the peristaltic movements. This not only allows for a greater sense of intestinal lightness but also helps cleanse the body to expel toxins before they are absorbed into the bloodstream. This type of food is ideal for the prevention of intestinal diseases such as constipation, diverticulitis, intestinal putrefaction and even colon cancer.
It has been shown that soluble fiber forms a gelatinous mass that catches cholesterol before it is absorbed by the intestine, reason why it is very beneficial in the treatment and prevention of excess cholesterol.
Equally important a diet rich in soluble fiber is for the treatment of diabetes. The ingestion of food with soluble fiber slows the absorption of carbohydrates thus helping to reduce the typical sugar “peaks” in the blood suffered by people with diabetes.
Raspberries sugar-content among all the fruits is one of the highest. The sugar content varies depending on the degree of maturity and environmental conditions. Fruits matured in hot, dry summers contain a higher proportion of sugar than those that mature in a wetter and cooler weather. In general, we can say that a high percentage of the ripe fruit is made up of glucose, which makes them sense very sweet, so that people with diabetes may feel they have to eat this fruit in moderation.
However, many experts believe that eating plenty of this fruit for its high content of antidiabetic components helps reduce glucose levels. The main antidiabetic components are high-fiber content, magnesium, pectin, rutin, quercetin, ascorbic acid, epicatechin and others more slowly absorbed sugars such as fructose and xylose.
Nutritional composition of raspberries
Main nutritional components of raspberries:
Composition of raw raspberries by each 100 gr. | |
Water | 87 gr |
Energy | 31 Kcal |
Fat | 0.55 gr |
Protein | 1 gr |
Carbohydrates | 10 gr |
Fiber | 6 gr |
Potassium | 170 mg |
Sodium | 2 mg |
Phosphorus | 30 mg |
Calcium | 25 mg |
Magnesium | 25 mg |
Copper | 0.2 mg |
Iron | 1 mg |
Zinc | 0.4 mg |
Vitamin C | 15 mg |
Folic acid (vitamin B9) | 33 mcg |
Vitamin B1 | 0.02 mg |
Vitamin B2 | 0.01 mg |
Vitamin B5 | 0.02 mg |
Vitamin B6 | 0.4 mg |
Vitamin A (Carotene) | 0, 06 mg |
Vitamin E | 1 mg |
Raspberries are very good for dieting
For its wealth of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, the high proportion of water, its low caloric content and its richness in potassium and fiber, raspberries are recommended for healthy diets, in cleansing diets or for those who intend to lose weight.
How to eat raspberries?
Raspberries should be eaten fresh. If possible, freshly cut from the plant, given that they spoil very soon after being collected.
They can be eaten alone or combined with other foods such as cheese, mozzarella, cottage cheese, etc. They are particularly nutritionally interesting when eaten with yogurt which also provides its particular aroma and flavor.
Avoid eating raspberries in syrup because cooking breaks down most of their vitamins.
More information on raspberries.