Seitan recipe
What should be taken into account to prepare seitan at home?
First, the amount of gluten obtained from the same amount of flour can vary. This happens depending on the wheat flour that is used for its elaboration.
The amount seitan is very inferior if it is elaborated from a soft flour or it is much superior if it is realized with a strong flour or hard flower. A strong flower or hard flower is that one which contains more amount of gluten than a soft flower or weak flower.
It can be done with either type of flour. The only thing that changes is the final quantity of the product obtained.
The proportions will depend on the amount of seitan desired. In general, for each 700 grams of flour, about 100 g of seitan are obtained.
What ingredients are used to make homemade seitan?
To make seitan at home we need the following ingredients:
– 1 kilo and a half wheat flour (preferably strong), or directly buy wheat gluten alone
– 1 liter of water.
– 1 large glass of Tamari or soy sauce.
– A piece (about 5 fingers) of kombu seaweed.
– One tablespoon of salt.
– 4 garlic cloves
– 2 tablespoons of ginger or other spices to the taste of the consumer.
How is homemade seitan made?
The difference between it is made directly with wheat gluten or wheat flour is that, in the first case, the starch removal process will not be necessary (step 1) and we can go directly to step 2.
*Step 1) How to remove the starch:
– Pour the flour into a large bowl.
– Add salt and mix well. Pile it to form a volcano, that is to say, to realize a hole in the center of the pile of flour, like when we elaborate the mass of the bread.
– In this hole, add water while kneading, until the dough has the desired texture and can be molded easily.
– Once we have the dough molded, put it in another bowl where it is covered with water.
– Leave to stand for one hour and then proceed to the removal of the starch manually. To do this, change the water when it is white and repeat the process until it is transparent. Then all the starch will be removed and we will only have gluten.
*Step 2) Realization of seitan:
The following processes of boiling and hydration should be performed equally, whether the gluten is obtained at home from wheat flour, as explained above, or if the gluten already released from the starch is purchased. Therefore, in either case, we will perform the following steps:
– Bring to a boil in a saucepan or pot the mixture of soy sauce, seaweed, ginger and seasonings.
– Introduce the well drained dough, that is to say, the gluten, into the above boiling mixture. Cook for about three quarters of an hour on low heat, to absorb the nutrients of the mixture and pass from white to brown.
– Let it cool and keep in refrigeration or in the freezer.
How is the seitan used?
Seitan acquires multiple forms of presentation since it tolerates practically all culinary preparations. It is used in salads, appetizers or sandwiches, soups or creams and stews, grilled, fried or baked, in pasta fillings such as tortellinis or lasagne, and even you can use it to prepare burgers or croquettes and “Bolognese” sauces.
* Related information: How to preserve seitan, seitan for babies
More information on seitan and other vegetable meat.