Turnip with rice and beans


Ingredients for 2 people:

– 60g. rice

– 60g. cooked beans

– 3 turnips, tender and fresh, cut into cubes.

– 250g. seitan

– 1kg. of tomatoes for sauce

– 300ml. vegetable broth

– 1 tablespoon flour

– 2 cloves of garlic

Olive oil

Black pepper

– Saffron

– Parsley



– Grate the tomatoes to get their juice.

– Fry the garlic and flour in the pan, with the oil for 2 minutes.

– Add the rice and stir.

– Add the tomato juice, turnips cut into cubes, seitan, a pinch of pepper and salt.

– Cook over medium heat for 3 minutes and add the vegetable broth.

– Cook with lid on for 7 minutes.

– Add the beans, saffron and cook for 4 minutes on low heat.

– Serve with julienned fresh parsley on top.


This is a dish with a lot of energy, nutritious and very healthy, very recommended for a balanced diet.

It mainly provides complex carbohydrates and B vitamins, energy substrates for our body and our brain. However, this type of carbohydrates is gradually assimilated because of the high fiber content of this dish causes its slow absorption. This means that if we eat this dish at noon, it will give us good energy until mid afternoon.

The dish contains the combination of vegetable protein from the vegetable and the cereal what constitutes a high quality protein.

Fiber is a component that our bodies need to maintain intestinal health, which is the center of the body’s immunity. In addition, a diet rich in fiber helps prevent cholesterol, atherosclerosis, colon cancer and provides us satiety not to crave for food.

More information about turnips.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

22 July, 2024

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