Plant-based diet for people with infected wounds
What should people with infections eat?
The diet for any type of infection, including infected wounds, must be suitable in energy and proteins so that the organism has all the necessary resources for its recovery.
Even if there is obesity, you should abandon any type of restrictive diet or to lose weight and eat nutritious foods (in people with obesity it is recommended to increase whole grains, proteins, fruits and vegetables, and reduce a little more the consumption of fats and oils) .
Main dishes with energy

They are those that provide carbohydrates in the form of potatoes, legumes, oats, white rice, pasta, millet, etc.
Examples of nutritious and suitable dishes are:
Lot of proteins for infected wounds
It is recommended to consume foods rich in proteins in the main meals, such as eggs. In vegetarian diets, protein supplements are recommended.
Little fat in case of infections
The most recommended is to cook with little oil and add a splash of oil on the plate. Garlic oil may be suitable (oil marinated in garlic is antibiotic).
Do not overload oil meals (fried or excessive dressing). The most recommended oil is virgin olive oil (for cooking and dressing), or unrefined sunflower oil obtained from first cold pressing (seed oils should only be used raw, do not cook with them).
To take into account when cooking
- You can use salt (more recommended if there is diarrhea), but you should avoid foods with a lot of salt such as ham, sausages, canned fish, preserves and processed meats.
- Cook softly at low temperature, such as boiled, steamed, soups, creams or grilling at low temperature. Do not burn food or smoke oil. Too much heated oils and burned food generated toxins that can aggravate infections.

Recommended foods for infectious diseases

In addition to antibiotic treatment, there are some plant-based food remedies that can improve the effectiveness of medications and help improve health status and shorten recovery time.
- Garlic (Allium sativum): It is one of the most potent natural antibiotics. It helps to fight infections due to its vitamin B6 content and its antibiotic properties.
- Bee pollen: It is recommended because it is a food rich in amino acids and contains a lot of beta carotene. (2-3 teaspoons of pollen a day, for 2-3 days to observe improvement)
- Ginger: Helps to improve digestions and has antibiotic properties. (Infusion of fresh ginger)
- Natural homemade carrot juice: It is one of the most potent foods to help heal wounds. Add half an orange or a lemon squeezed to get more vitamin C (essential for the synthesis of new tissues). (Take 2 or 3 juices of carrots for 2-3 days for a visibly faster recovery and disappearance of the scar) (Ideal to add 1 tablespoon of pollen in the juices).
More information on infected wounds