Nutrition for piles
What should you eat when you have hemorrhoids?
Food is very important when you have hemorrhoids. Proper nutrition is essential to prevent hemorrhoids or stop hemorrhoids deterioration.
An unsuitable diet can also be responsible for hemorrhoids being more painful.
Nutrition is one of the precipitating factors and, in addition, it affects constipation which is another cause that triggers piles.
Suggested foods in the hemorrhoids diet
Among the most important foods for the diet of hemorrhoids we will include the following:
Importance of fiber in hemorrhoids diet

Fiber is needed to prevent constipation. High-fiber foods increase intestinal peristalsis and promote the expulsion of stool, which, at the same time, becomes much softer so it does not damage the walls of anus and veins of this area.
Moreover, by means of facilitating evacuation, fiber can avoid exerting excessive force to expel feces, so anus veins do not get so much stressed.
Fiber prevents and avoids the worsening of hemorrhoids by making stools softer and hasten defecation
Recommended foods for hemorrhoids
Foods high in fiber include the following:
- Whole grains: Whole grains (rice, corn, oats, wheat, etc.) contain very much fiber. It is interesting to eat whole grains to promote the elimination of feces. Among them oats is the one which contains more soluble fiber, hence it is advisable to take this food in the form of flakes, especially at breakfast.Eating whole bread is another way to ingest this component. When preparing pasta dishes (noodles, spaghetti, pizza, ravioli, etc.).it is better to cook them with whole pasta.The inclusion of supplemental bran in the diet can also help prevent or improve hemorrhoids.

- Legumes: Legumes (lentils, beans, broad beans, peas, chickpeas, soybeans, etc.) are foods rich in fiber.Among them some deserve to be especially nominated such as chickpeas, beans, lentils and soybeans
- One cup of beans contains 13 grams of fiber
- One cup of lentils contains 7.,9 grams of fiber
- One cup of broad beans about 7.3 g., and a cup soybean about 6 grams

- Fruits: Although the fiber content of fruits does not reach that of cereals or legumes, fruits are foods that contain plenty of fiber.Especially rich in fiber are oranges, apples, figs, strawberries, kiwis, bananas, pears,, figs, grapes. Nuts also contain a lot of fiber (Walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, etc)
- Vegetables: They are very rich in fiber. Among them we can especially mention carrots, artichokes, potatoes or spinach,
Non suitable foods for hemorrhoids diet

We will considered the following foods to avoid or eat with caution in the diet of hemorrhoids:
- Refined Cereals: Refining of these foods removes most of the fiber, so that the intake of white rice, white bread or refined pasta is not advised in the diet of the person suffering from hemorrhoids. One should also avoid products made with white flour such as biscuits, cakes, etc.
- Refined sugars: Besides predisposing to obesity, refined sugars are very low in fiber. They favor constipation, so they are not suitable for the person with hemorrhoids. Cakes, candy or sweets in general containing such sugars should also be avoided.
- Spicy food: Hot peppers can exacerbate the pain or itching of hemorrhoids. You should not take spicy mustard, pepper or other spicy sauces when suffering from hemorrhoids. Instead, we can use herbs to flavor meals.
- Salted foods or food containing too much salt: Salt in excess harm hemorrhoids. Salty preserved foods are not adequate for people with hemorrhoids. Thus, they should minimize the consumption of olives, salted sardines, anchovies, etc. or other foods rich in salt.
- Alcohol and coffee for hemorrhoids? For their vasoconstrictor properties alcohol and coffee are not suitable. Smoking tobacco must also be rejected, because it also constrains blood vessels.
Water intake in hemorrhoid diet?
One should drink at least a couple of liters of water a day in the diet of hemorrhoids. Water helps soften the stool and facilitates defecation.
* Related information: Carambola or star-fruit to stop bleeding hemorrhoids
More information about hemorrhoids natural treatments.