Medicinal plant remedies for legumes flatulence

How to diminish flatulence of legumes with herbal remedies


Can you eat legumes every day?

Flatulence should not be a reason not to eat legumes, as they are very beneficial foods and can be eaten every day. In fact, it is very healthy, rich and economical to replace animal protein with legumes at meals and / or dinners, due to its nutritive contribution.

What legumes are more flatulent?

It is true that some legumes are somewhat more flatulent than others.

  • The least flatulent legumes are chickpeas, peas and lentils. These do not usually produce large flatulence problems
  • The most flatulent legumes are beans, soybeans and fava beans. It is natural that large plates or rations of these legumes produce gases, although it does not usually occur in moderate quantities.

Medicinal plant remedies to avoid flatulence of legumes

Cumin seeds
Cumin seeds can help us expel gasses as a result of eating legumes.

Digestive herbs, such as chamomile, are very effective in the treatment of legumes flatulence.

Medicinal plant teas can be used to treat flatulence produced by legumes. The following herbal remedies are recommended for people whom pulses produce gas:

Plant remedies for flatulence

Other medicinal plant remedies for flatulence

* Related information:

Why are legumes so flatulent?

How to diminish flatulence in legumes

punto rojo More information on legumes

This article was endorsed by Vicente Martínez Centelles - Founder of the web and director. Teacher of natural sciences, expert in plants, natural remedies and botanical photography.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

28 September, 2023

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.