Medicinal properties of kamut

Benefits of Kamut Triticum turgidum spp. turanicum

Kamut for cardiovascular health

Kamut is a complete cereal, rich in complex carbohydrates, protein and fiber, which can help improve cardiovascular health. This grain is highly nutritious, since it has more minerals and vitamins than other varieties of wheat. Its fat content is higher than in wheat, and these are the polyunsaturated type (mainly Omega-6).

In a double-blind study, the effect of kamut and its products (kamut pasta, bread and whole grain crackers) on cholesterol levels and blood sugar was elaborated. The results, valued in 22 participants for 8 weeks, indicated a reduction in total cholesterol (-4%), bad cholesterol (-8%), and an increase in blood levels of potassium and magnesium.

Kamut is a good food for heart weal. These characteristics make it remarkable in the diet for the heart, hypertension and cholesterol. People with these diseases can substitute kamut for wheat in their diet for its benefits

Kamut for obesity

Due to its composition, kamut and pasta made with it, are a more satiating food than other types of wheat and its derivatives. They contain more fiber and protein, which help eliminate the feeling of hunger. These nutrients cause the carbohydrates in the grain to be absorbed more slowly, helping to prolong satiety and providing lasting energy throughout the afternoon.

People who substitute kamut for wheat will benefit from minerals important to the health of the system circulatory, such as potassium and magnesium.

Kamut is also a source of zinc and selenium, antioxidant minerals that prevent cell deterioration. Replace the conventional pasta with kamut paste: you will notice the difference in nutrients!

Kamut as a remineralizing food

It is one of the most nutritious types of wheat that we can find in supermarkets. It provides vitamins, minerals and trace elements that contribute to the health of the skeleton, muscles and the body in general.

People who eat a balanced diet rich in this whole grain can improve blood levels of nutrients and minerals. It is especially recommended in acidifying states of the body, such as fibromyalgia, rheumatism or fatigue.

Due to its energy value of slow assimilation and nutrients, it is a very suitable food for athletes and people with intense physical activity: replace your pasta dishes with pasta kamut to improve your health!

Nutritional comparison between wheat and kamut

Nutritional comparison of wheat and kamut per 100g.


Calories (kcal.)348359
Carbohydrates (g.)70,566,7
Proteins (g.)12,317,3
Fats (g.)1,92,6
Fiber (g.)2,11,8
Vitamin C (mg.)0,420,45
Vitamina B1 o thiamine (mg.)0,110,12
Vitamin B2 o riboflavin (mg.)5,315,54
Vitamin E (mg.)1,21,70
Calcium (mg.)3031
Phosphorus (mg.)396411
Iron (mg.)3,94,2
Magnesium (mg.)117153
Selenium (mg.)400446
Zinc (mg.)3,204,30
Selenio (mg.)0,00210,09

punto rojo More information on kamut

This article was endorsed by Vicente Martínez Centelles - Founder of the web and director. Teacher of natural sciences, expert in plants, natural remedies and botanical photography.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

7 August, 2024

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.