Plant foods that help produce collagen

Collagen diet


Diet to increase collagen

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body. It is part of all body structures such as skin, bones, muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons, etc., along with elastin.

Normally, the body makes collagen from food proteins.

In addition to sufficient dietary protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants are necessary for the maintenance and collagen formation.

The ability to generate collagen decreases with age, so the following guidelines should be stricter in old age:

Food needed for the formation of collagen

Foods rich in protein at every meal of the day. Protein-rich foods provide the components necessary for the body to produce its own collagen when required. We must avoid poor protein foods such as yogurt, because it does not provide the necessary proteins.

Too abundant protein food is neither suitable because the body does not have amino acid reserve, so after 3 hours, the liver converts the remaining excess of protein into urea and removes it.

These recommendations are more rigid in older people or in old age, when enough protein must be provided at every meal to prevent bone loss and weak bones.

Protein foods for the formation of collagen

collagen foodLegumes, nuts and seeds do not contain collagen, but they are an excellent source of protein, minerals and antioxidants that help produce it naturally in the body

Animal origin food:

  • Nonvegetarian diet: Pig’s trotters, fish soups and broths with meat (bone and long cooking), meat and fish.
  • Eggs
  • Dairy

Vegetable origin:

* Plant proteins have to be combined with each other to obtain high-quality proteins protein (more information).

Food to produce collagen

Summary of rich-protein and antioxidant foods (in a vegetarian diet) that provide nutrients for the formation and maintenance of collagen structures (bones, skin, joints, etc.).

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Vitamin C helps form collagen

Vitamin C helps form collagen: For its antioxidant properties, vitamin C helps reduce the negative effects of free radicals on the cartilage of the joints and, at the same time, it encourages the production of collagen, the main protein in bone and cartilage. Vitamin C acts in the conversion of proline to hydroxyproline, one of the constituent amino acids of collagen.

We should take vitamin C rich foods at every meal of the day, since this vitamin is degraded and only stays in the blood for 5 hours.

kiwiKiwi is rich in vitamin C

Collagen with magnesium for bones

Magnesium is required for protein synthesis and collagen, assisting in numerous metabolic functions and the osteoarticular system. Foods rich in magnesium are mainly nuts, seeds, legumes, pure cocoa, and to a lesser amount than the previous, green vegetables such as spinach, chard, broccoli, lettuce or arugula.

Improve skin from the inside

  • Pineapple contains some components called AHA, a series of acids including citric and glycolic acid tyhat exert a rejuvenating skin function. Pineapples help form collagen.
  • The action is due to its ability both to stimulate the formation of collagen and moisturize the skin, such as removing those dead cells from it.
  • Betacarotene: These flavonoids with antioxidant effect prevent skin deterioration and collagen that constitutes it. A diet rich in beta carotene helps keep skin elastic and in good condition. Most foods are carrots, carrot juice, squash, persimmon, sweet potato, etc.
  • Pollen is an excellent supplement of betacarotene (provitamin A).
  • Vitamin E: Powerful antioxidant necessary for the integrity of cell membranes. It is obtained from nonrefined vegetable oils, being the most rich sunflower oil (unrefined) and wheat germ oil. Nuts, seeds, vegetable oils, avocado and wheat germ are also foods rich in vitamin E..

Factors that decrease collagen

Oxidizing factors accelerate collagen degradation. These factors should be avoided for better health of the skin, tissue, vision and bone and joints:

  • Tobacco
  • Pollution
  • Stress
  • Sunbathing in excess or skin burns
  • Some drugs, such as taking contraceptives may decrease the synthesis of collagen in women, as a study shows.

We should take into account the increased protein requirements, such as fasting or special situations that require more protein intake.

* Related information:

Diet for bones

Diet for Arthritis

Diet for fibromyalgia

More information on collagen.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

20 November, 2023

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