Medicinal plant remedies for leaky gut syndrome

Herbal remedies for intestinal hyperpermeability or too permeable intestine


Remedies to improve the leaky gut and intestinal diseases


Ginger is recommended because it increases the digestive secretions and improves digestion.

Bowel syndrome or too permeable intestine is a dysfunction of the intestinal barrier which occurs in people with food allergies, intolerance, intestinal diseases or recurrent infections.

The main function of herbal medicine for intestinal hyperpermeability is the use of a number of resources whose effect will be to restore digestive health:

  • Supplements of probiotics to help plant a healthy intestinal flora.
  • Plants rich in prebiotic fiber to support the growth of fermentative bacteria in the colon.
  • Digestive enzymes that help break up food and thus decrease its allergenicity.
  • Plants and antiinflammatory supplements.
  • Nutrients necessary to seal the intestinal barrier.
  • Plants to help calm nerves and soothe the intestine

Probiotics with healthy bacteria for the gut

yogurt with chiaPhoto of yogurt with chia and strawberries. Although yogurt provides lactic bacteria, it is necessary to take supplements in case of intestinal diseases to ensure sufficient supply of probiotics

Probiotics are highly desirable and they are used in the majority of intestinal disorders. They provide healthy bacteria that help restore a good composition of the intestinal flora.

How to buy a good probiotic? There are many types of probiotic supplements, we find those that provide the Lactobacillus (lactic bacteria) and Bifidobacterium (bifidobacteria). It is recommended to compare products and choose those with the greatest amount of bacteria (figures normally are around 1,000 million bacteria and 10 to 9). Take as directed by the manufacturer.

You should read the label to avoid inappropriate excipients. Preferably, it is desirable they do not contain gluten, soy or sweeteners (such sorbitol, xylitol, aspartame, etc.,

– Some vials and envelopes generally contain it), The most suitable probiotics are those carrying starches of excipients, normally sold in capsules. Your nutritionist or doctor is the best that can advise you.

Contraindications: Probiotics are contraindicated when certain drugs for autoimmune diseases are taken. (Consult your doctor)

Recommended supplements for the intestines

  • Glutamine: This amino acid is a source of energy for intestinal cells, helps heal and repair damage to the mucosa. (Capsules or powder)
  • Evening primrose oil has been found that essential fatty acids contributed by evening primrose have the ability to reduce levels of prostaglandins that cause inflammation. (2 capsules of evening primrose oil, 3 times daily)
  • EPA and DHA Omega 3: Omega 3 from fish oils, with powerful antiinflammatory properties. (1 softgel a day)
  • Vitamin C: It helps repair cell damage and prevents the formation of toxic substances in the intestine as nitrosamines. Supplements of this vitamin are not necessary if vitamin C rich foods is ingested, such as vegetables, cruciferous vegetables, fresh parsley or lemon, for example.
  • Vitamin A: Necessary to keep the skin and digestive membranes in good condition. We can obtain in large quantities from foods rich in carotenoids, which are also antioxidants. They are found in orange vegetables or solid green ones: carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, algae, and in general, leafy vegetables.
  • Vitamin D: Lack of this vitamin has been linked to increased incidence of intestinal diseases such as Crohn’s disease and colitis. This vitamin deficiency is common among the population, especially in those who spend little time outdoors. Fortunately, it is the most economical vitamin that exists: Vitamin D is obtained if we take the sun 20 minutes every day without sunscreen, just by means of sun reaching our arms or face. Our body is able to manufacture this vitamin from cholesterol, thanks to the action of sunlight on the skin. (Sun exposure should be avoided in the strongest daylight hours, that is between 12 and 16 hours).
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency may occur when there are intestinal diseases and disorders (as shown in the prospectus Capsules) (Brewer yeast is Not recommended in these cases of)

Medicinal plants for the intestine

linden flowers

Photo of linden tree flowers which are use to prepare relaxing infusions. In intestinal health it is important to avoid stress.

  • Bromelain has antiinflammatory and digestive properties. It is an enzyme capable of breaking down food proteins into smaller, less antigenic molecules, reducing their allergenicity in the intestine. (1 capsule 500 mg, 3 times a day before meals)
  • Turmeric: Powerful antiinflammatory and antioxidant. (Capsules of turmeric extract or introduce it in the recipes (tortillas, sauces, soups, purees, etc.)
  • Alfalfa: Plant rich in vitamin K and chlorophyll, two components necessary to regenerate the digestive mucosa.
  • Relaxing Plants: Animal studies have shown that stress alters the composition of the intestinal flora. Some plants are recommended to calm as valerian (capsules), linden tree, lime or lemon balm (infusions).
  • Digestive plants that help improve digestion, in teas after meals: ginger, mint, thyme.
  • Chamomile: With antiinflammatory and soothing properties that can help reduce intestinal inflammation and reduce swelling. At the same time, its vulnerary properties can help prevent deterioration of the intestinal wall. (Infusion of 1 teaspoon of flowers per cup, 3 times a day)
  • Onion (According to personal tolerance): Because of its content in quercetin, it helps reduce inflammation and allergy symptoms. (Decoction of an onion skin in a liter of water. Drink the resulting water throughout the day)
  • Garlic (According to personal tolerance): With antibiotic properties against bacteria that cause intestinal putrefaction. (Take garlic as food).
  • Cabbage (According to personal tolerance): As a result of its antiulcer and healing properties, it is highly recommended, provided it is well tolerated. (Liquefied raw cabbage, or recipes)
  • Aloe Juice: The juice or aloe is rich in mucilage, with properties for gastritis, digestive ulcers, constipation, the intestinal flora, intestinal diseases, sore throat, hoarseness, diabetes and cholesterol.
  • Licorice (Glycyrrhyza glabra) with antispasmodic and antiinflammatory properties (. Infusion of a teaspoon of crushed dried root per cup of water Take 2 cups a day.)

remedios, suplementos y plantas para mejorar enfermedades intestinales o del intestino

Summary sheet of appropriate plants and supplements to improve digestive health and intestinal diseases, such as leaky gut syndrome . ©

Food or nutritional supplements for the gut

  • Pollen: Supplement rich in amino acids and beta carotene, which repair the intestinal mucosa. (1 teaspoon pollen, 12 times daily)
  • Chia Seeds: Rich in mucilaginous fiber, highly fermentable prebiotic that acts naturally. (As an ingredient in recipes) (Inside yogurts) (1 teaspoon 12 times a day with a glass of water)
  • Spirulina: High in protein and chlorophyll, which repairs the intestinal mucosa. (1 tablet 23 times a day)

punto rojoMore information on diet for intestinal hyperpermeability.

Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

30 March, 2021

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.