Calories in foods

Energetic value of the food

What is the energy value of food?

Food is made up of nutrients. Nutrients are small molecules, which when digested by our body produce energy, which the body uses to work, to exercise, to beat the heart, to think, etc.

The calorie content of foods is due to their composition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Energy that each nutrient provides us

Energy from food comes mainly from three types of caloric nutrients:

  • Carbohydrates: They are energetic nutrients and easily digestible. They provide us with 4 kcal for each gram. For example, a packet of sugar (8 g.) provides 32 kcal.

*More information: Benefits of sugar

  • Fats: they are very energetic nutrients. They provide us with 9 kcal per gram, that is, more than twice as much as carbohydrates.

For example, a tablespoon of oil (10 g.) provides us with 90 kcal.

  • Proteins: They are nutrients that do NOT have an energy function, but rather our organism uses them to make hormones, muscles, etc. However, the body is able to obtain energy from proteins, if necessary.

Proteins provide us with 4 kcal per gram, just like carbohydrates.

In nature there are no foods that contain only proteins, carbohydrates or fats. All foods contain a mixture of these nutrients, and their energy value depends on whichever one predominates the most.

Calories of main foods according to food groups?

See the following examples to understand the caloric value of different types of foods:



Vegetables are foods with very few calories. These foods mainly provide us with fiber, vitamins and antioxidant minerals, which our body needs to stay healthy.


Spinach, chard, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, zucchini, endive, cucumber, radish (100 g.)15-23 kcal
Chanterelles, common mushrooms, mushrooms (100 g.)20-30 kcal
Artichokes, carrots, tomatoes, peppers, green beans (100 g.)25-35 kcal


Tubers are energy reserve elements of plants. These foods are rich in carbohydrates, B vitamins and fiber.

Potatoes (100 g.)75,5 kcal
Sweet potatoes (100 g.)115 kcal
Yuca, cassava o manioc (100 g.)160 kcal
Tapioca (100 g.)345 kcal


Fruits are very healthy energy foods. They combine their natural sugars with antioxidant vitamins, as well as fiber and a high percentage of water, which guarantees good hydration. They should be present in all diets, especially in diets for athletes, students and children.

Citrus fruits are usually more recommended in weight loss diets, because they contain more vitamin C and fewer calories than other fruits. Among the citrus group we can mention grapefruit, orange, lemon, mandarin…, etc.

Apple medium unit (200 g.)100 kcal
Pear unit (170 g.)134 kcal
Banana unit (160 g.)102 kcal
Grapefruit unit (375 g.)105kcal
Orange unit (225 g.)77 kcal
Mandarin unit (85 g.)28,9 kcal
Mango unit (300 g.)123 kcal
Grapes (60 g. serving)52 kcal
Persimmon medium unit (200 g.)129 kcal
Cherries (10 units, 100 g.)54 kcal
Nectarine unit (200 g.)89,5 kcal
Cherimoya medium unit (200 g.)87 kcal
Plum medium unit(50 g.)26 kcal
Pomegranate unit (225 g.)122 kcal



There are certain fruits that provide us with very few calories. These types of fruits are recommended in weight loss diets, since they have antioxidant vitamins and few sugars, as well as fiber and water, which provide satiety.

These low-calorie fruits are: blueberries, raspberries, currants, strawberries, watermelon, melon, guava and kiwi.


Blueberries, raspberries and currants (10 units, 100 g.)46 kcal.
Apricot unit (50 g.)21,1 kcal.
Strawberries (4 units, 80 g.)50 kcal.
Gava unit (60 g.)23,7 kcal.
Kiwi unit(100 g.)48,5 kcal.
Melon and watermelon, a slice (150 g.)55 kcal.


Due to their high fat content (the most caloric nutrient), nuts are very caloric foods. However, these foods are rich in healthy fats, vegetable proteins and antioxidant minerals.

These foods are often labeled as unhealthy because they are more energetic, although this is not the case. A handful of almonds (20 units) gives us 110 kcal, almost the same as an apple!


Almonds (20 units, 20 g.)110 kcal
Hazelnuts (20 g.)119 kcal
Sunflower seeds (25 g.)160 kcal
Pistachios (20 g.)156 kcal
Cashew nut (12 units, 20 g.)104 kcal
Peanut (20 g.)100 kcal


Within this group are orejones (dried apricots), raisins, coconut or dates. These foods are caloric because they contain all “concentrated” fruit sugars (dehydrated fruits). They are important for their mineral content, especially calcium, as well as fiber.

Due to its calcium content, they are recommended in diets that must increase the intake of this mineral, such as athletes, pregnant women and in any diet for osteoporosis.


Orejones (dried apricots) (20g.)20 kcal
Dried figs (15g.)41,4 kcal
Dates (1 unidad, 10g.)24 kcal
Fresh coconut, slice (45g.)121 kcal
Raisins (serving, 15g.)46 kcal


Bread is a refined, energetic food that contains calories provided by carbohydrates. It also contains, although to a lesser extent, proteins and fats. Depending on whether it is wholemeal or not, it can contain more fiber.


Slice white bread (20 g.)52,2 kcal
Slice whole meal bread (20 g.)44,2 kcal
Slice round loaf (25 g.)68 kcal

Bread can be part of a balanced and slimming diet, since it provides fiber and long-lasting energy of slow absorption, which combats food cravings.




Dairy products are very important foods, especially in vegetarian diets. They are an excellent source of protein and calcium. In addition, yogurt provides healthy bacteria for the intestine.

There is a great diversity of dairy products, among which we recommend skimmed milk for people who need to control their cholesterol.


Whole glass of whole milk (200 ml.)132 kcal
Glass of semi-skimmed milk (200 ml.)96 kcal
Glass of skimmed milk (200 ml.)75 kcal
Natural yogurt (125 g.)80,5 kcal
Skimmed yogurt (125 g.)45 kcal
French cheese, individual tub (75 g.)152 kcal
Goat cured cheese, one slice (30 g.)140 kcal


100 ml. of oil provide us with…900 kcal
One tablespoon (10 ml.) of oil provides us with…90 kcal

Oil is composed entirely of fat, and provides us with exactly 9 kcal per gram. All oils have the same caloric intake, but different quality of fat. The most recommended is olive oil.

This is because all oils are an extraction of fat: from the fruit of the olive tree (olive oil), from sunflower seeds (sunflower oil), from corn (corn oil), from nuts (walnut oil), from flax seeds (flax oil), from soybeans (soybean oil), from peanuts (peanut oil), from sesame seeds (sesame oil), etc.




Eggs are mainly a protein food. One egg provides us with half of the proteins that, for example, a chicken breast contains. It also contains vitamin B12 and important minerals such as zinc.


1 medium egg (60 g.)85 kcal
White of 1 egg (40 g.)19 kcal
Yolk of 1 egg (20 g.)67 kcal

punto rojo More information on calories

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

26 January, 2024

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