Recipes for constipation

Special dishes for constipation

How a recipe for constipation should be?

In the following article a list of RECIPES FOR CONSTIPATION, that is to say, dishes rich in fiber that can help solve chronic or occasional constipation.

In case of chronic constipation, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

In general, a diet against constipation, should consider the following guidelines:

  • Eat foods rich in fiber: fruits, vegetables, legumes, cereals, tubers, seeds, nuts,…
  • Drink 2 liters of water or tea a day. Water hydrates the fiber needed to form bulky stools and facilitate the evacuation.
  • Take 2 bifidus yoghurts every day: For its contribution in prebiotic or healthy bacteria that help maintain healthy intestinal flora.
  • Consume olive oil because it acts as a lubricant.
  • Walk daily, if possible, to stimulate bowel movement.


Vegetarian lentils

Vegetarian lentils

s with potatoes

Green peas with potatoes

rice with vegetables

Rice with vegetables

Linseed salad with tomato and cheese

Salad with tomato, cheese and linseed

Millet pie with vgetables

Millet pie with vegetables

endive salad

Endive salad

quinoa with raisins

Quinoa with raisins

varied tomato sallad

Varied tomato salad

Chantareles with dry beans

Chanterelles with dry beans

Chickpeas with spinach

Chickpeas with spinach

Roasted eggplant with garlic and parsley

Roasted eggplant with garlic and parsley

quinoa with pumpkin

Quinoa with pumpkin

Pumpkin cream

Pumpkin cream

Baked cauliflower

Baked cauliflower



Baked artichokes

Baked artichokes

Roasted peppers with garlic and parsley

Roasted peppers with garlic and parsley

Steamed asparagus

Steamed asparagus

Vegetables pie

Vegetables pie

Vegetable stew steamed

Vegetable steamed stew

Roasted sweet potatoes

Roasted sweet potatoes

Dandelion quiche

Dandelion quiche


Artichokes omelette

Potatoes stuffed with borage and Parmesan

Potatoes stuffed with borage and Parmesan


Purslane salad

Steamed broccoli with almonds

Steamed broccoli with almonds

Toast with cheese, jam with orange skin and bananas

Toast with cheese, jam with orange skin and bananas

Pears with cinnamon

Cooked pears with cinnamon

Milk with wheat bran and kiwi

Milk with wheat bran and kiwi

Yogurt with strawberries

Yogurt with strawberries

Baked apple

Baked apple

Fruit salad with chia

Fruit salad with chia

agar agar gelatin with wild flowers

Agar agar gelatin with wild flowers

quince paste

Quince paste


utensilio para cocinar

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punto rojo More information on laxatives and constipation.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

19 February, 2022

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.